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Updated: Jul 5, 2023

10 Small Multiples that caught our eye :

In no order of importance we thought it would be fun to review 10 Small Multiples that are eye catching. We all draw creative inspiration from the Tableau Community and these individuals created amazing work that helped tell a story. To see the full viz, click the image to access the Tableau Public post.

Louise Le examines more than 300 languages spoken in London. Each map of London illustrates another language and the prevalence. 

She used x and y coordinates to plot each map on rows and columns. The tooltip further examines each part of the map. We love her simple use of color neat design.

Yuli Wg created an amazing timeline reviewing the changing feelings across age groups for same sex relationships. 

She used a case statement to create the x and y coordinates by date. Using Kevin Flerlage's no polygon method she created shapes to represent age groups. 

Tamás Varga illustrates the progress made from 1990-2015 to create access for water and sanitation in his Viz, Clean Water and Sanitation. He used x and y coordinates on two separate sheets then layered them on his dashboard to create labels for each small multiple.
The gradient background here adds a stunning touch.

Priya Padham created a visualization of 128 surveyed countries regarding marriage of men and women under the age of 18. She created calculations in Tableau to create her rows and columns. Color is used to represent women and men in various countries. These simple bar charts are effective and easy to read.

Soha Elghany reviews the deaths of journalists across countries from 1992-2016. She created a circular timeline for each country to record deaths of journalists. She used a dual access to create the  dots and lines for each country. She also used x and y coordinates and calculations in Tableau to index each country. 

Michelle Frayman created a beautiful illustration of team's defensive ratings compared to the league average for seasons ending 1997 to 2020. She used Tableau calculations to create the rows and columns. She also created a split area chart to color above and below the league average. 

Max Tham creates small multiples to show the percentage of famous IMDB films directed by women within the different genres. He does not use x and y coordinates to plot his graphs but simply used 3 graphs per sheet to curate his grid. The simple colors make this viz striking and easy to understand insights quickly.

Claire Kim beautifully portrays racial diversity in the tech industry. Each small multiple represents diversity and each one 'petal' represents a race. They have been divided into three larger categories; technology, social media and country metrics. She then highlights and compares the diversity among Amazon employees and the US population. Claire's viz is insightful, beautiful and easy to read.

Kevin Flerlage visualizes the winning percentages for the past 25 years for the 2019 preseason top 25 ranked NCAA football teams. Hovering over a bar of one team helps the user compare them with the others for a particular year. He also creatively uses a GIF in a collapsible container to represent this data in simple bar chart small multiples, instead of the radials charts.

JR analyses the sugar content in cereal using Skittles as a measurement! He uses small multiples of little cereal bowls to show the number skittles in each. The bowls are brought in as a background image and the dots are plotted on top.
We loved digging into this viz and realized we needed to slow down on the fruit loops.


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